
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

It's official...I'm stuipidly, madly, insanely in love....

Hearts will shiver, thighs will quiver...this man is a giver.

My boyfriend is better than yours, simply because he's mine. I digress...let me tell you of this magic man that has ignited fire so deep within me, so intense that I'm a trembling excited mess every time he's on if you care...           
             I've struggled, deeply.  My struggle has broken me..  It's devoured me and made me feel as if I'd never be the same again, that much is true. I am no longer the person I used to be.  It's not necessarily a bad thing.  I've come so far in learning to love myself, and who I am and what I can handle.  I've lost, made mistakes, grown and done everything in between.
            My struggle is not who defines me, it's only a shadow of who I am.  A fraction, a moment in the existence of my life.  There are many moments, however that mean something to me.  Meeting him, is one of those very moments, and what I honestly believe my struggle to be all for.  Everything I've endured in this life, every mistake I've made, and every tear I've cried has led me to him.
            I'm blessed beyond measure with a man who can only exceed my expectations of what I could wish for.  He, to me is perfect, and he is my reward.  Loving him, and taking care of him could only be an honor and something I could have only dreamed up. He is my prince charming and he rode in on his white steed and whisked me away from my pain and into a dreamlike state of passion and love.
            This man is tall, and strong.  His eyes are blue and soft, glistening with the traces of melancholy and hopeful optimism. They're lined with lashes that extend to the sky, and they look at me and sparkle with love and happiness.  His hair is thick and soft, a golden shade of blonde that glistens in the's well groomed and neat, as his appearance is tidy, and well kept. 
            His smile is something that lights up my very existence.  It's slightly perfect, and his thick luscious lips open wide, revealing his white teeth and sometimes a tip of his tongue if he's in laughter.  His chest is modest, yet muscular, and softly lined with hair that is not offensive or too covering of the curve of his breast.  His hands, are delicately large. Slim, long fingers, and wide palms, that gently yet strongly grab my face each time we kiss, the hands that comfort me, stroke my hair, the ones connected to the perfect pair of arms, that hold me ever so gently.
            Physically, to me, he is ideal, obviously.  Mentally, he is even more.  His personality lights the fire in me.  We connect in a very real way, as if we've known each other for our entire lives.  Our thoughts are the same, and being like minded is such a wonderful feeling.
            We laugh together, he's smart, he listens, and he actually hears me.  I've learned more about love, and I'm talking true down and dirty honest love, in the two short months we've been seeing each other, that I can only imagine what is to come. He's the man I want to live with, cook with, grow with, learn from, dance with in the moonlight, go on adventures with, start a family with.  He's my missing puzzle piece and every part of him fits me.  He knows everything about me, and my past and my hopes and dreams, and struggles, and he accepts me.  He appreciated me at my worst, loved me, and continues to prove how amazing he is by treating me with such love and respect and supporting me, it's simply magical to be accepted, and loved for just being you!
            I've been so wrapped up in love I cannot even put into words what it feels like, because it's something I've never known. I've never felt something so earth shatteringly real.  When he kissed me, the first time, we were a little buzzed after a night of nervously drinking on our first date, to which he immediately asked for a second; the next day.  It was an excited relieved overzealous kiss on both our parts.  However, the next day, we had our second date, to which he introduced me to his closest friends, to my surprise and excitement.  After a wonderful time, he took me home and we had nervous conversation until he left.  Then he kissed me... Our first, sober real kiss, not full of drunken excitement.  He grabbed me close, came in slow and when his lips touched mine, they were so soft and sweet, and they fit.  He kissed me slow and deeply, and it was long and loving and sweet, and instantly my heart leaped in my chest.  It was then, in that moment when our lips fit together, and the soft magic exploded between them, I knew, I knew they were the last lips I'd ever kiss.
            And since then, I've kissed those lips many times, and every single time, I get that magic.  When he holds my hand, I get that magic.  He ignites something so deep within me,  I never even knew it was there.  And each day, I fall more and more in love with him.  He is what I want, what I've always hoped for, and I only see him, all day, every day, us and nothing else.
            When we make love it's something so special. I am completely enveloped in him.  I'm lost in his arms and his kiss, it's a passion so deep that's burned for so long, it's something so hard to handle, yet so pleasurable  and surreal.  He looks deep into my eyes, and I into his.  Those soft blues scan the inches of my body as his hands follow each curve and edge.  Exploring, caressing, kissing.  It's love, it's soft and new and intense. 
            His hands explore my body his eyes focused on me, he kisses me, and then I lose myself completely in his arms and it is until the explosions in my chest calm, and the quivering between my wet thighs have subsided that I open my eyes to realize where I am and where I've just came from.  I open my eyes to be met with his, slightly smiling at me, then he kisses me deeply as I calm my shaking body, his hand slides out from my legs and he moves slowly to caress my breasts and kiss them delicately.  He grabs me, pull me close and then it's him surrounding me holding me, and coming into me so swiftly as he watches my every muscle in my face shiver with delight.  Slow and steadily, he goes deep within me as he lays himself down to kiss me, and hold me completely.  I'm still trembling from the moments before, and quickly he brings me back.  His face tightens then softens with pleasurable release as we come together.
            Sometimes there's passion filled laughter afterwards, sometimes its kisses followed by my giggles, sometimes it's us quietly taking in what we feel and what the other is feeling, silently laying in our release and love and admiration of each other in that very raw and intimate moment, and mostly it's a mixture of them all, and sometimes if I'm lucky it's round two, or three....
            Boisterous laughter bellows from within me when we wake up in the morning, kissing cuddling, playing, joking.  It's the absolute best feeling in the world, and it's love, pure and simple, and raging.
            It's a safe sensuality he brings me, a safe area for me to be, to speak, to feel.  I feel as though I have him by my side, nothing can get me down.  He is the man I've dreamed of, prayed for, and come to.  I've never thought such passion could come from me.  I never thought I could love anyone.  I never thought anyone would ever love no one ever has.  No one has ever loved me, truthfully, actually loved me.
            This man loves me, I feel it down to the core of my being.  I love him so. A thousand times yes will I say to him I'll stay.  He makes me safe, and there's no place I'd rather be, than lying in his arms, walking by his side, and being completely surrounded my him.  He can swallow my life whole and I'll drown in those soft blue eyes of his, and never look back.
            He is my other half, and there is nothing that can convince me otherwise.  How in only two short months can two people develop such magic? Such fiery passion?  I dare not question. I'm only here to feel and enjoy what moments I have with this man, and the future he's promised will come, but it is today that I have, today that I know, and I know one thing....

...Today, his lips are mine.