
Monday, February 10, 2014


I am my own injustice...
   Stupid, stupid girl, you do it to yourself. You stupid girl. 

I am the chaos that surrounds me.
I am simply, a girl desperately seeking a better fulfillment of what she honestly believes she deserves.  I am a five year old girl, crying out.  Inside, I'm still her.  I'm still twirling my skirt and blindly throwing myself at the world.  Yet outside, I am this adult who is fully aware of the situation I am throwing myself into.  I'm fully aware of the harm I've caused, and fully aware of the torment bestowed upon me.  Inside I'm throwing this tantrum screaming so loudly it drowns out my thoughts.  Outside I am merely a woman who's locked inside her mind.  Quiet, secretive, and very, very lonely.

I will recklessly seek love until it's mine, and then I will systematically destroy what I have worked so hard to hold; for this is my destiny.

To always be the girl who waits;
 for the thing she believes she doesn't deserve.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

a little birdy told me...

Folks, you can now follow me on twitter!  Blog updates, bitchy thoughts and randomness throughout the day!